Contrinex two-wire sensors save on installation and running costs

20th August 2008
Source: Contrinex
Posted By : ES Admin
Contrinex two-wire sensors save on installation and running costs

In large production plants such as found in dairies, breweries and food processing and automotive manufacturing plants there are major technical issues resulting from long cable runs and, because cable prices have quadrupled over the past five years, there are also major cost issues.

New, high-performance, two-wire DC sensors from Contrinex reduce the amount of cable and number of connection points required in machine design by 33% compared with conventional three-wire products thus producing major cost savings.

Another advantage with two-wire products is that the same sensor can be arranged in either ‘normally open’ or ‘normally closed’ configuration when connecting the control load in-line with the positive lead and so NPN and PNP versions are not required as they are with three-wire devices. This can significantly reduce the number of different sensors that customers need to stock thus reducing inventory cost.

These Contrinex chrome-plated, brass bodied sensors have a high frequency output and are available in M12, M18 and M30 sizes with switching speeds of 3kHz, 2kHz and 1kHz respectively. The M12 and M18 sizes are available with extended double sensing range that enables them to operate with greater clearances from targets to be detected thus eliminating the risk of collision damage.

They are available in short as well as standard body lengths, in embeddable and non-embeddable formats with plug or cable connection and have a wide voltage range from 10 – 65VDC. They can switch over 100mA and are short-circuit, inverse polarity and overload protected.

The use of state-of-the-art chip technology means that production costs are kept to a minimum despite being manufactured in Switzerland to the highest standards making them very competitively priced and with a long, reliable service life making them a highly cost-effective solution for all new machine and system designs.

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