Configurable system provides safety in expandable platform

24th September 2020
Source: DigiKey
Posted By : Mick Elliott
Configurable system provides safety in expandable platform

Phoenix Contact's PSRmodular configurable safety system is a flexible safety solution to monitor a machine or system.

It is in stock at Digi-Key Electronics.

It makes it possible to economically implement small applications with three safety functions and applications with up to 160 I/Os.

The comprehensive PSRmodular product portfolio allows users to arrange various function modules individually and to make optimal adjustments based on their requirements.

At the heart of the system, there are two basic modules with different performance ratings, which also support safety-related communication between modules.

Also added are new high-performance safety function modules, such as a safe analogue module for monitoring 0/4 mA to 20 mA or 0 V to 10 V signals or modules for safe motion monitoring of proximity switches and TTL, HTL, or SIN/COS encoders.

When it comes to process data communication, users can choose from any of the common bus protocols, such as PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, Modbus/TCP, or EtherCAT.

The PSRmodular software with comprehensive functions and diagnostic options makes configuration simple.

The user does not need any previous programming knowledge.


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