New Rheology Software!

18th September 2007
Posted By : ES Admin
New Rheology Software!
ATS RheoSystems has introduced its NEW RheoExplorer® V6 Software. The software is based on, and designed for, Windows' 32 bit operating platform.
RheoExplorer runs under Windows 2000, and XP and is designed to provide flexibility for configuring and using your REOLOGICA Instruments' rheology system.

The software enables a normal PC to be used as the interface which allows the user to control the instrument, and then collect and analyze the resulting data.

Viscometry, Oscillation under strain and stress control, Creep and Recovery, Constant Rate, Yield Stress, Stress Relaxation, Fast Oscillation, Process Control, and Project (multi-experiment linking) packages are available allowing the sample to be analyzed via different rheological procedures.

Powerful data analysis capability allows model fitting, TTS and data transformation, graph and table customization, and cut/paste operation to all other Windows based software.

This New Software delivers unmatched ease-of -use, multi-tasking, real-time printing and plotting and advanced data analysis capabilities.

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