Burkert’s New Mass Flow Controller & Mass Flow Meter Have Flowcapillary Technology For Use With Aggressive Gases

28th May 2008
Posted By : ES Admin
Burkert’s New Mass Flow Controller & Mass Flow Meter Have Flowcapillary Technology For Use With Aggressive Gases
Bürkert’s new 8710 Mass Flow Controller and 8700 Mass Flow Meter integrate the company’s innovative FlowCapillary sensor technology, which is ideal for use with aggressive gases due to its isolation from the gas flow path. Robustly designed, the Type 8710 Mass Flow Controller and the Type 8700 Mass Flow Meter meet the requirements of industrial applications with excellent repeatability and sensitivity comparable to that of instruments used with neutral gases.
The Type 8710 and Type 8700 can be used wherever aggressive gases such as NH3, Cl2, NO, H2S, SiH4, SO2 and O3 need to be controlled or measured. The mechanism for achieving this is Burkert’s innovative FlowCapillary technology, which is based on the bypass principle. A laminar flow element in the main flow
channel generates a small pressure drop. This drives a small flow proportional to
the main flow through the actual sensor tube, allowing control or measurement to be achieved.

The 8710 mass flow controller – and the 8700 flow meter - offer the optional benefit of calibration for two different gases; the user being able to switch between the two easily. Moreover, the material specification of the parts that come into contact with the gas medium are selected according to customer specification, enabling the unit to be operated with the complete range of standard process gases.

The type 8710 is a digital device integrating a proportional valve as its central element. Operating with extremely low levels of friction, this valve guarantees the high linearity (±1% F.S.) repeatability (±0.5% F.S.) and excellent control characteristics of the flow controller. The same digital architecture offers extensive diagnostic features and is available, optionally, with a Fieldbus interface: Profibus DP or DeviceNet. It also allows the Type 8710 to be combined easily with other Bürkert products to implement complete system solutions.

Typical application areas where the high sensitivity and excellent control characteristics of the Type 8710 provide an ideal solution are gas dosing, or rather the production of gas mixtures in process technology, environmental technology, surface treatment, material coating and fuel cell technology.

In common with the Type 8710 flow controller, the 8700 mass flow meter is a digital device that offers the optional benefit of calibration for two different gases. Available in standard and sub-base mounted configurations, and offering nominal flow rates from 5mlN/min to 1 lN/min, the Type 8700 offers the same levels of high performance as its sister unit: (linearity ±1% F.S. and repeatability ±0.5% F.S.). Moreover, the ergonomic design of the 8700 means that it offers maximum flexibility in readout: the standard being an analogue output, with readout over RS communication, and via Fieldbus devices (Profibus DP and DeviceNet), also available.

Typical application areas for the Type 8700 are gas flow measurement in test benches, environmental technology, medical and analysis technology. In addition, the products also fit well in some areas of water treatment and process control.

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