adi fosters sustainable growth with EcoVadis leadership award

8th April 2021
Source: adi Group
Posted By : Lanna Deamer
adi fosters sustainable growth with EcoVadis leadership award

An engineering business has bolstered its sustainability status after receiving its latest commendation from global rankings platform, EcoVadis. And the recognition solidifies its status as one of the most socially responsible-led businesses in the world. The adi Group, headquartered in Birmingham, has enhanced its reputation after being named Best Performer in the Wholesale, Services and Professionals category in the annual EcoVadis Sustainability Leadership Awards.

Recognising its continued best practice culture, the latest ranking pays testament to adi’s vital role in promoting sustainability at both an internal and client level, as manufacturers seek to drive down costs and maximise efficiencies in a tough economic climate.

“We’re really pleased to receive further recognition from Ecovadis,” said adi CEO, Alan Lusty. “As a vital support cog in the world of manufacturing, our remit has always been to help minimise process and operational inefficiency.

“During this global pandemic, such aspects have been highlighted even further, as key sectors such as food and beverage and biosciences have been sent into production overdrive to help support the UK’s fightback. Whether it is driving down utility costs or helping enable the shift to remote working practices, adi has led the charge in ensuring clients maximise outputs while minimising production downtime.”

The newest award for adi builds on its EcoVadis Platinum status awarded to the business last February. Scoring highly across areas such as labour and human rights, health and safety and environmental and ethical themes, the ranking placed adi in the top one per cent of businesses in the world for CSR.

Since then, the business has delivered an innovative energy re-use solution for manufacturers that is suitable across all sectors. Taking the immense amount of heat energy from gas-fired CHP power plants, the blueprint model developed by adi allows manufacturers to harness this energy and redeploy it within several of their own processes. The adi Group model also affords a CAPEX free energy solution along with carbon footprint reduction benefits.

It has also continued to foster sustainability at a youth careers level, with the business one of few to continue its apprenticeship schemes when many discontinued programmes in the pandemic climate.

“For us, cutting the cord now really didn’t make sense when students are already struggling with lost hours of education,” added Alan.

“Its indicative of our sustainable ethos, extending not just to our clients but also our local communities, fostering connections and inspiring the next generation of engineers within our regions.”

The adi Group continues to call on talented and aspiring individuals to join its ranks, as the business aims to grow to over 1,000 employees in the next three to four years.

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