Surface World Exhibition in November

11th October 2007
Posted By : ES Admin
When you look back over your years in the Finishing Industry, are you left with an impression of constant challenges and demands year on year, demanding your every skill to keep your business moving forward? Some of those years would have seemed trickier than others, yet here you are having succeeded, still looking for something that might give you an edge in 2008.
Of course, succeeding is no accident. It generally follows a desire to keep up to date with market trends and invest wisely in the future. Customer satisfaction is the aim and this demands balancing quality against cost.

At a time when raw materials, process and labour costs are increasing in the UK, its little wonder that finishers see themselves sandwiched between high customer expectation and reducing profitability, not to mention EU Regulation and fierce competition from home and abroad. Anyone remember the days of a level playing field?

Then there is your customer, always looking for the best finish at the lowest price!

Though many people fail to acknowledge it, the Surface Finishing industry adds quality to people’s lives every day. It’s seen in the many things they buy that they would not wish to do without.

Here you are then, at Surface World Exhibition 2007, in pursuit of knowledge, ideas and support. Your priorities are set and you will no doubt meet a number of companies making similar claims.

Make sure any claims made to you are validated. That goes for the big companies as well as the small. Too many companies expect you to trust what they say when you also need to know what they do and how they do it. Professional people with real skills thrive on solving problems and giving advice, but also make sure they have listened to what you say or agreed to look at your process before offering you the solution.

A partnership with a good supplier with specialist skills is worth its weight in gold to you. Experience and understanding your underlying objective is crucial from the people you meet, if you are to get the best from your visit.

It is good to know the credentials of a potential supplier. Check if they are members of a recognised trade association and confirm it. Where chemicals are involved, look for Responsible Care status, which is recognised worldwide as a commitment to improvements in health, safety and environmental performance. It is evidence of participation in a global initiative covering fifty-two countries.

The Finishing Industry is a technical environment and therefore demands full support from a supplier. It is vital that any supplier has a process mentality, not just looking at selling you a product or service for the sake of it, but also understanding its relationship to your overall process.

Enviro Tech is a manufacturer of specialist solvents for vapour degreasing. We appoint specialist distributors, who carry a range of products, in order to offer an independent approach to customer needs. They match the right product to your personal needs.

Our EnSolv range is well known. Our products hold Boeing and Airbus approval and they have proven to be the wide choice of users seeking to replace Trichloroethylene. EnSolv is a patented technology, which tells you it has unique properties.

Your time is limited. You will collect information and digest this to determine what immediate needs you might consider. Enviro Tech has been widely commended for providing first class guidance on all aspects of vapour degreasing. A free DVD that covers all aspects of safety, regulation, performance and efficient machinery is available for your personal use. This is provided in conjunction with an In Vitro Bioassay study of safety factors when exposed to commonly used solvents. At the very least, it is informative and stimulating.

Just visit us on Stand 110 for your personal copy during the dates 6-8th November 2007 at the Pavilion, NEC, Birmingham, UK.

Many of you will be searching for a substitute for Trichloroethylene (Trike) to continue the highly convenient vapour degreasing process.
Time is short for those of you affected by the Solvent Emissions Directive (SED)
The final deadline set for seeking substitution of Trike is July 2008.
Remember also that whilst product transfer systems may be offered as part of your process, they do nothing to reduce your consumption.
Enviro Tech fully supports the Unibund system offered by Core-Chem Limited, whilst accepting reduced consumption is not an integral benefit.

It is far better to work with EnSolv distributors on their Solvent Reduction Programme, from which you can measure real progress.

A no obligation assessment is available on request, with observations and recommendations formalised as the means of establishing a true yardstick to progress.

We are here to help. Both your company and ours have its interests at the heart of the Finishing Industry. Our years of combined experience can have a large impact on your business in 2008.

We say what we mean and mean what we say. Our customer satisfaction rating has risen over the last 3 years from 89% to 91%, the best indicator we can give to validating our support to people like you.

The Enviro Tech team look forward to meeting you and you are assured of a warm welcome and a listening ear.

Enjoy the Exhibition.

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